The secret unweaving of Pulse and Psyche
Doma / doma / DOMA / 土間, Gothenburg
Doma is proud to present The secret unweaving of Pulse and Psyche, a solo exhibition with Hanna Norrna.
The secret unweaving of Pulse and Psyche is a weaving approach to Hilma af Klint’s text Studies for the soul [Studier över själslivet]. Through a practice of ritual weaving Hanna Norrna makes space for esoteric perspectives on matter and consciousness to be embodied through a feminist view towards women's work. In The secret unweaving of Pulse and Psyche, Hanna has constructed five scenes from Hilma's text that are depicted in five spatial installations: Roses Lilies, The veil, Common emotions and downward thoughts, Foot bleeds and Trembling indivisible entities. The scenes revolves around a connection between the weaver and the mystic through feeling, emotion, flesh and soul.
In addition to the physical installations, the five scenes are accompanied with carefully composed texts based on intertwined sections from Studies for the soul. Together with two complementing reflective texts: Bindings and secrets and A single cohesive chain with visible effects, this text material builds a link between Hilma’s writing voice and Hanna’s weaving voice, and is published in a booklet produced especially for this exhibition.
Dallring i odelbara enheter / Trembling indivisible entities
silk, silver pleated copper, hair, bronze
Förlåten / The veil
silk, copper, glass pearls, copper stick
Foten blöder / Foot bleeds
silk, copper, stones, shells, glass pearls, hair, copper sticks
Gemensamma känslor och nedåtriktade tankar / Common emotions and downward thoughts
silk, silver pleated copper
Rosor Liljor / Roses Lilies
branches, silk, glass fragments, soap stone, twinned copper
Documentation by Hedda Rabe
The project was supported by the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Västra Götalandregionen and Företagarna Göteborg